Medieval Cop Wiki

This is a Disambiguation page. It is used to differentiate between multiple characters or entities that share the same name.

Post Office may refer to:

Post office (Entity)[]

Aforementioned bane of Dregg's existence. Not personified. The delusion Dregg feeds into as to not endanger himself or others

for further info Post Office (Entity)

Eciffo Tops[]

The personified Post Office. Not a corporation but entity worse than Satan

for more on him Eciffo Tops

The protagonist of Demented Shadows, Trey O'Malley Dash.[]

Regular Definition[]

A post office is a public facility and a retailer that provides mail services, such as accepting letters and parcels, providing post office boxes, and selling postage stamps, packaging, and stationery. Post offices may offer additional services, which vary by country.
